Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yishun Teenage Hub tourney 17 july 2011

Deck used: Agent Angel
Round 1 vs Leo (Bambooshoot lockdown)
Game 1: He opened the wall and paid 3k and i died cause i cannot break thru his traps
Game 2: Trap stun plus daigusta for the win
Game 3: We both stalled for a while before i unleashed a blind mst on his 5 set cards destroying a dark bribe, next turn i open trap stun and he had no response to it and i otked with daigusta and friends.

Round 2 vs Yew Long (Zombie creature swap take 2400 dmg and random deck)
Game 1: Tio beatdown
Game 2: Quick end with trap stun and daigusta phoenix
Game 3: Mistake and tio beat down.

Round 3 vs Clarence (Anti-meta beat)
Game 1: Trishula attempted to control but afterwards i top drawed hyperion and gg him
Game 2: Another game of quick end.

Round 4 vs Daniel ( Debris junk doppel)
Game 1: I syncro into librarian with sangan and earth, fetching a orange light, able to combat his junk syncron while he syncro into formula and scrap dragon fetch me advantage to finish him off with a venus with 3 balls and 2 united we stand equipped to take out a dopple token.
Game 2: Syncro into Librarian again and then bounch his 1 bad row when i syncro brionac using birdman reborned and a venus. Daigusta and united we stand followed on for the kill.

Top 8 vs Yew Long
Game 1: tio beatdown and creature swap trick
Game 2: quick beat him down
Game 3: Stalled and i left 500 when he draw effect veiler summoned it creature swap it with my defense facedown mob ande use ganetsu then he creature swapped earlier to beat me for the win. Luckily we shared though

Bottom 8 vs William(Dark World)
Game 1: Controlled and won
Game 2: I misplayed
Game 2: 3k beat stick too beat to deal with even with dark mirror

Battle for 7th and 8th vs Anthony (Debris junk dopple)
Game 1: 2 balls in hand
Game 2: Similar situation, enough said

In the hand got hope and yew loong got 3rd.

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