Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Singapore Worlds Qualifier in about a month plus

Within a flash of asia qualifier in singapore, world its here. With the release of return of the duelist and the duelist edition 1/2 as the new additions to the weapons cache for players to use, players will be sad to know that the new SD (Yes that water one) cannot be used. Anw its held on 23 June with 6 rounds swiss for 128 players who register first and cut to top 12. With 4 pre-qualifers to choose 4 winners to join the top 12 for the top 16 playoffs.
Gt some side deck dilemma? Refer to Avengingknight's side deck post then http://avengingknight.blogspot.com/

According to recent worlds meta analysis, popular decks as follow
Hieroglyph variants
Rabbit Ragia

Random decks like
Final countdown
Gadgets variant
Mask change herobeat
BF variants
Agent Variants
Chain burn

Well i think that the 2 most top decks will once again be Inzektors and Hieroglyph since Singapore qualifers clearly show that. Although i tip gadgets to have an outside chance, the lack of tinplate goldfish might just mean that gadget players have slower access to giganto-x their plus card. Similarly Rabbit Ragia is never strong with asia format in play, no verz access, of course unless u can dominate with it like Ryan Stark in the asia qualifers who got 3rd (nickname: Rabbit Ryan)
Karakuri geargia might face problems of birdman and iron call being unable to use while infernity without lavalral chain will be top decking tremendously.
1 thing i do hate about inzektors mirror match is that much of the game is about ur hand and ur mindset. If u wanna do mantis otk and u think ur opponent does not have veiler, most likely u stand a chance to win. Matches where inzektors pit each other can start and end quickly something i do not really like.

Right now im thinking machina but i might need to up its speed if i were to play it, however the last year worlds horror of 2 fortress 3 gearframe 1 cannon against gravekeepers as a starting hand has not hovered away yet argh.

Things to do before worlds
Get tour guides from epic dawn to play
Think of a deck to play for world's 4 pre qualifiers
Think of what to play for worlds
Try to top for worlds this time (I want to avoid the disappointment of taking out a big dog last year and dying to a pro gravekeeper player after that. -.-) 


  1. Wow, Wind-ups really fell from grace, no mention of them here in your list.

  2. winds up dont really affect sg meta -.-

  3. In singapore and in singapore worlds context where daigusta emerald cannot be used, wind ups can be said to lack the engine to even drop hand unless one manages a pot of avarice.
