Team Name = Team Insane Tech
Members: Poh Seng (Leader) Wesley Seek (Member A) Cho Wee Min (Member B)
Deck used: Agent Angel Junk Doppel Dimensional Jur Ragia
Match 1 vs Team consisting of Jia Jie (Vampirerion) Jonathan (Harsickle) and Zhi ( dunno forum name)
Wee Min vs Zhi (Machina Gadget)
Wesley vs Jia Jie (T.G Agent Angel)
Me vs Jonathan (Dark World)
Game 1: A good agent start plus keep wacking him means i make ancient holy wyvern and he bottomless which i miracle descent it back lol, hyperion then came along
Game 2: Die to his too fierce card destruction, plus his lightning hit right target
Game 3: Open dark mirror in starting hand plus i got backrow to protect me.
Highlight of the match being Jonathan using Monster Reborn and Jia Jie direct Wesley with DD crow
Match 2 vs Team Challenge Accepted including Jeff, Baha and Jeremy
Wee min vs Jeremy (TG Agent Angel)
Wesley vs Jeff (Machina Gadget)
Me vs Baha ( Dark World)
Game 1: He won with card destruction in hand and gateway to dark world too....5 cards in his hand when i scrubbed
Game 2: Open dark mirror call out ancient fairy dragon call out krystia and party
Game 3: Game went on very long cause he know i got prison while i had honest and he had snow. with skill drain on field, i vortex him he bribed and i solemn= mistake then later i scrubbed.
Highlights of the match being a scape goat junk syncron mistake by Wesley and an early Stardust by Wee min thru starlight road in game 1
Match 3 vs Team consisting of Cassandra, Guan Ji and Potato
Wee Min vs Guan Ji (Machina Gadget)
Wesley vs Potato (Lightlord)
Me vs Cassandra (WWBF)
Game 1: Tio control by mirror force and icarus as well as 3 bfs on field featuring bora shura and vayu by shura effect
Game 2: Dark mirror is the cure to opponent cards
Game 3: Can drop hyperion but scared 1 backrow so nvr drop and in the end Venus wack into MarshMellon and i had Exactly 1000 life left lol
Match 4 vs Team featuring Jonas Bai dunno who and Rui Feng(The guy from sg showdown one or smthing like that)
Wee min vs Gravekeepers
Wesley vs Rui Feng (Dark World)
Me vs Jonas (TG Agent Angel)
Game 1: I had 2 gantetsu 1 venus and 1 jupiter he sp krystia and call out earth search for venus then swap his earth with my venus, both his monster wack my 1 gantetsu, next turn i top deck lightning vortex he gg as i trapdust shoot him earlier and reduced his life sharply
Game 2: He krystia and i honest him yet he honest me and i tot i die but is he die but anw he trishula later on after i dp his krystia then he remove wrong allowing me to miraculous descent venus and call 2 ball sacrifice and call krystia then he play defensive tg thru setting and i mind crush him later on and saw his hand of 1 werewolf 2 hyperion and 1 krystia with less than 2800 life points left and i had venus and krystia on field for the win lol. Barbeque him zz
With that our team lost and ended up in 7 and got scolded by Jia Jie as they had low tie breaker hehe... At the end of 3rd round i saw my team at 4th position so meaning if we won it we would have qualified haha.........anw jonas team went on to get 2nd
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